Wednesday, March 2, 2016

jaye by samjizay

#teamwythuzprojekt is at it again, this time around they brought to you a monster track by one of its own samjizay..JAYE is a track produced by drumma and mixed and masterd by mr cee. its a cool Afro sound that can get you dancing anytime

Mi abaga the finale

mi just did a number on some people yo, av been bumping this mix-tape since when i got it.
Mi had this to say:
“At this stage in my career and life, finding the time to record another Illegal Music was purely a labor of love. I hope that Nigerian Hip Hop will rise and claim its place at the table on Hip-Hop’s mount Olympus.
I would like to see a lot of rappers remix and recreate the song ‘The Box‘.
The team was GPLUSCkay and I. And I want to appreciate them for their love in making this ‘FREE’ project. LOL.
Fortitude, T3WMFBlack Child thank you. Yoye Hayba, thanks for being the A&R on this project. Toda Kafang, you are the greatest thanks for pushing me always. CC I got you always. TMXO and Yung Kheengz thank you for your contributions.
To the fans.. I love you  #LoveYours.”

this not even about MI being the best this is about setting the trend, if dont understand what just happen and you think you rap pls press the retire botten.

maggie okoh live session video

aunt Maggie is the name am familiar with a lawyer by profession and a singer,
(please don't tell her i said this by i think she can sing her way out of a difficult curt case)
 and yea! she's that good.
we shoot this video last her and honestly i was feeling like heaven was drown closer to me..
beautiful voice beautiful instrumentation (drumma and neken kill kill it)
 it was just a waw factor and i think if you watch the video you will think with the same mind set like me right now...
have you ever hard of musician that other musicians listen to ? well that is Maggie okoh for you.

here's another one and yea know what you are thinking.shes beautiful right and seriously married i most add

drop your comment please.

by my side live session.

recently i did a video shoot for a live session for this wonderful artist, and believe me i was blown away, the sounds the voice and the environment was just filled with pour talent.... at some point i did forget my self, i totally forgot i was holding the camera. i was just there watching with both my eyes, mouth and ears, lol.
i honestly think this young individual is some one you should look out my side is a song you will love to have if you don't already.check him out and thank me letter

and yea he is a jtown breed....he is based in jos plateau state, Nigeria.
and on the piano is the maddddd producer drumma the combination is out of this world just watch this video. watch and drop your comment

Tuesday, March 1, 2016



Who am I to judge another man’s fate?
When God is the righteous and the only kind.
Ignorant at heart, garnished with hate,
Religiously bare, no real truth in my mind.

Who am I to judge another man’s love?
If it’s kind by design is even different from mine.
If he wants to kiss the wind,
Let him be.
Let the weight of the thighs be his decision,
If he dares to kiss the wounded lion,
I would let him sleep in the den.
If a woman is his shine then let him kiss the gold.
If man with man is his desire,
I will let him be.
For I am not fit to judge the truth,
When my own life would be measured in time.

Who am I to judge another man’s fate?
God is the maker and giver of all.
Still ignorant, counting my sins on a slate,
Knowing all too well the unrighteous fall.

Who am I to judge another man’s god?
When the spirit realm I cannot converse.
If he dares the mountains and slays the pit,
Let him revel in his audacious bit.
If the sun and moon begets his sign,
Let him smile in the evening dream.
If in daring diversity he deitifies a tree,
I’d greet him with all respect.
For all belief is true belief,
Only God knows the truth.

Who am I to judge God’s law?
I am a rueful sinner both tarnished and raw
And if I was better than all I see
Would I not like God rule the sea?

Who am I to judge another man’s colour?
When beauty drifts in all shades.
Dark as night, beautiful as day,
Rings the beauty of the black man.
Brown like the sand, candidly beautiful
Is the Indian I never met?
But all names are human to me,
I have no desire to study what shades they be.
All I remember is the rainbow,
Showing the beauty of being different but staying one.
Death will one day make us all fit  into dust,
Will it matter then who I was?

Who am I to judge what man should love?
Whether it’s man or a woman in line,
As I watch my window for the beautiful dove,
I say whatever he loves is just fine.

Who am I to judge another man’s dream?
If his heart beats in a different rhythm,
The working of his beautiful mind I would never know.
I am but only myself and he will be himself.
Each clearly striving for the flower in our hearts,
If he dares to fly without a mask,
Let him be.
For great men were made when they tried,
To do that which was wildly different and odd.
So why would I judge the beauty in man,
When I am chained by the same dreams too.

Who am I to judge man?
When God is the judge and the law.
The trife in me irks my wounded pride.
As humility gently strips its goal,
Moral pedestal, dangerous and wild.
To think that I am a lighter sinner than they
When in dire reality we all are but sinners.
Struggling to fulfill the rest of our days

God is the only righteous,
God is the judge,
And I cannot be God.
(c) 2015



You promised me your air,
Calm as the falling wind, a dove’s delight.
That you left me waiting was unfair,
Yet I would trust your reasons in sight.

Your bright laugh, a symphony’s tale,
Rings through my aching troubled heart.
But the thought of you sometimes is pale,
When I remember your artful smile.

You were the sunshine, a light in despair,
Cure to my hearts ailing scream.
A waning world, damped to repair,
Made a little brighter by your dream.

Yet you drifted to the wind, a colour of dust,
Left me counting my tears and regret.
Between your voice and your words, heavenly cost,
No fortune for the hearts broken when you left.

The weight of the world without your dreams,
Is but the picture of the darkest doubt.
In sadness and tears like flooded streams,
Lay the remembrance of all you were about.

In the darkest bit of hallelujah,
As tears revel in gloom to ponder.
What dreams to decide your hallelujah?

Than the life you lived, o what wonder!



His eyes! They stared at me,
With years of doubt and regret.
He blamed me for all his failure,
And I stayed in a daze.
Purified by the silence in my guilt.

His scars were a mime of emotion,
Each drawing the reality of the crime.
I wanted the silhouette of his tears,
Cast upon my emaciated shadow,
We cried together in our dreams.

I hear his hollow twisted steps,
The twirls and creaks of a fearful doubt.
He breathes in vibrating echoes,
The furious woes of my talking silence,
Nostalgia’s words, ducked in a moving truth.

He is trapped in vain reality, counting a lie
Blaming my guilt for his nefarious glare,
His words shoot the saints of time,
Polygraph marks could not spell the truth.
Ruptured by reality, deceived by death.

He stalks my every forlorn stare,
By mirrors he uneasily lurks,
Eyes squinting with infallible regret,
Of worlds and unwritten diaries of hurt.
He buys the eyes of my shadow.

He says that angels have no fear,
Unreligious here, he squeals that God is not fair.
Diligent, he morphs to a graceful serpent.
Sipping the sly venom of my doubt,
By fateful rivers, he questions time.

By conquering faiths loving stare,
He doused my will with sanity’s saddle.
Bored and confused, questions exceeding words.
I grapple the insomnia of my days,
Never scared of my thoughts.

I hear the window cringe under the weight of a delirious dream.
Scared of reality, searching for youth.
As eyes gaze upon reflection, He unwillingly smiles,
Eyes shallow with Doom,
Imprisoned in night.

By deepest deep I stared so deep,
Unwilling to sing the ballad of life.
Harmony immersed in rueful regret.
Pain in my darkened heart of doom and despair,
Gracefully aching beyond eternal silence.

I count the words in my room,
The sweet rope hanging like Beethoven’s note.
Slowly gliding to its flirtatious doom,
Sinking my hastening breath to kiss the air.
In some woeful minutes, the dark hallelujah.

Locked in reality, persevered from aching death,
The dearth of life finds me unwilling to smile again
The mirror shows his face,
His murderous unwilling glance
Ghost of everything I fear.

Saved by the limitation of time’s illusive grasp,
 His voice wheels in my most blunt unease.
His face riddled in the mirror of life,
He has become a corpse of all I lost in yesterday night,
He is the man I killed at dawn!
But as I humbly watched the static reflection I realized,

The face I had always seen was me.
download the pdf of the poems here download



Heaven was the smile that came on her face,
To capture all that beats in my pulsating heart.
Reality was my heart breathing against its pace,
To lie in the rhythm of her art.

Beauty drips from her shining eyes,
And all other glance it does acquire.
To be lost in the truth of her lies,
Is everything that I require.

Her voice calms the mad sea,
By troubled waves she speaks so dear.
No beauty would my dreams rather see,
Than the sight of her smile so clear.

In wishful dreams I wavered on desire,
Wishing I had a star like you.
In your stare is love and fire,
Duly hoping you get a clue.

Clutching my memories, I stare.
Wondering how beautiful your lips would be.
I would kiss them till no love is left to spare,
And no hope would I rather see.

Drowning beneath the beautiful bliss,
Almost an angel with that smile on your face.
I pray heaven hears me please!
For my heart could never keep up the pace.

We would rewrite the script of true love,
With gentle words and beautiful rhythms,
When we close our eyes to walk in love

I would sing the beatitudes of a beautiful girl.

misconception about the Grammy

misconception about the Grammy
For long Nigerian artist have been singing about wining Grammy and some even sang about it, its funny how they be building castle in the air..why an i saying so? I was reading a blog on the web about Grammy submission and i got to know that you have to be a member of the Grammy academy to submit songs or a member can submit your song.  you have to be an active performer not an artist who makes an album every after ten years lol...

And i got to know that members are they once that vote..
How was skakes heading for the Grammy pls?

Besides last year i felt wizkid ojueleba would have gotten a Grammy shot if his management knew how this Grammy stuff works..
We have artist that can compete on the Grammy floor and win check asa, dare art alade, timi dakulo, wizkid (no porn intended towards other artist but wizkid held it down last year) the list can go on and on so honestly people, the Grammy is not far fetch we just made it so mysterious while it has been a step away from make una no deh wait for manna from heaven it wont happen till u work for it.



Futile reactions, palpable temper,
Man sneered in buffoonery, logic despair.
Redundant wisdom, regrettable action.
Waving agile hands, a fool’s reaction.

Loud insomnia, masculine nightmare.
Shrieking feminine, lethargic and bare.
Screaming chaos, grappled with anger
First kiss of the soft petals, ravenous banger.

Thrust to the streets, a viewers charade,
Shameless futility duly on parade.
Masculine ego, seeking dominance.
Fist and fury, dulling revered parlance.

Anger seething to a perilous doom,
Fist like mortar, a terrible doom.
Feminine reality to be pounded like a dream,
Yet the voice keeps sounding louder than a rushing stream.

A brother steps into this perilous parade,
Of ravenous fist and so little wisdom to serenade.
With few words counting clear reason,
He sends sister home for clear season.

Brother and boy staring to the gruesome distance,
An angry man’s fist clenched for unruly chance,
But brother seeks reason, gently straddling away,
Knowing true reason may see another day.

But cowards are cut from the deepest deep,
Lawless reaction, fuming to a steep,
Boy throws reason and flies through a knife,
All in vain anger, a charade of strife.

Brother slaloms down to a silent despair,
A beautiful drowning sleep of no repair,
And true reason he saw but did not see,
His frail corpse looking innocently at a distant sea.

Boy sees the chaos of his uncased temper,
Guilt and innocence became a dulled paper,
Eyes sealed, elevated from sight,
Gently open to this unruly plight.

The crowd, they sang the dirge of moonlights defense,
In swift motion, a jungle pretence,
Projectiles elevating judgments fare,
Struck boy till the foolishness was bare.

And when boy was a motionless tilt,
Motion grounded like silt,
Fortune begs reason looking for doubt,
When wild aimless tempers always blow out.

The trader tilts his head in gallant reform,
Staring through the distance to a lifeless form,
The boy no longer breathes in the distant air,
Two corpses to pay the truth, is that even fair?

But the crowd’s justice was not satisfied,
Perpetrators corpse dying was not mortified,
Till fuel vendor trickles his ware on mans image,
And trader lights the fire to complete carnage.

Soon crowds disperse to revel in justice,
Perilous law when no one sees injustice,
Jungle justice, mathematically wild,
To sweep calming law with no respect and see it as mild.

But no one was as guilty as me,
As I silently watched and let them be,
Each morning guilt saps the beaming light,

As I recall the face of the man that died by my sight.

full project on the way.. poem by elijah peter

I WROTE A LETTER TO MARS by Elijah peter( full book soon to hit amazon and other platforms}

I WROTE A LETTER TO MARS by Elijah peter( full book soon to hit amazon and other platforms}

I wrote a letter to Mars,
While staring vainly at the stars.
Sometimes hope is the greatest dream,
When life seems a dying stream.

I told mars I would jump for a star,
Reaching beyond my doubts and my scar.
In vain substance when my doubts arise,
Uncertain hope is my pleasure and my prize.

When doom falls on my living truth,
Trapped in despair, forced to regret my youth.
I would walk till I kiss the unfriendly sun,
For if I gave up, it would not be fun.

I cannot be a friend of my time,
Living my life like a rehearsed mime.
For great men have flown an extra mile,
Hence would be mine, that which I find with a smile.

No slug would kiss the pride of my hope,
And dent my vision with a sarcastic probe.
I would walk with my wings and fly with my mind,
In the starry skies, an unloving world left behind.

I am blessed by reality, one of a kind,
Two times smarter, saved from being blind.
The world needs me and my words I refine,
To find my peace just as I would define.

The skies lit up when my letter reached Mars,
The world smiled with the light of the stars.
Telling me I could be all that I dared to be,
The only door to my greatness was me.

my view on things producers should know and do.

my view on things producers should know and do.
Are you a music producer/song writer ? Well i geus you should read this
Most times the say your first impression counts. but then how do you as a new kid on the blog sale both your art and your brand?  the way i see it can be seen categorized below


I believe you most have done your home work, and you've produced a basket full of monster instrumental. but how informed are you about trend of music and sounds globally, what type of instrumental are artist suddenly crazy about? What is the crowd dancing or singing to? You dont want to be doing hardcore hip hop beat while everyone is doing a cool trap twerk beats, it wont just cut it for you.. so research the market and get with the flow...but add your flavor to it so that you sound unique(you dont want to be making beat that sound exactly like the other dude across the know what is trending and build from there.

2)give out beat

Give out your beat to hardworking artist, it most not be a famous artist just give it to the person who understands the concept of self promotion...and remember the sweeter the better as i said before "first impression counts" besides what would you do with a  gazilion beats in your beat basket? Makes less sense plus giving the beat will motivate you to make more beats.


Whats the essence of being a beat maker? Is it not to make money? Well then being smart about it will help..
Lets say 2baba walk up to you and say i need a beat from you and you are left with two options to collect your money and make the beat or do the work and wait for royalties..broz if nah for niaja collect you money jeje den waka your tin.but when its in other countries were the industry is established i think its better you play it smart make deal that will bring in  royalties..when you produce an established artist and the pay you they will have to get back the money the used in paying you for the production before royalties will set in, so look ahead and decide..but thats by the way this will only work in an organised industries

4)be resourceful

Be the kind if producer that artist feel comfortable working with i.e you help them were it becomes necessary.
Check the profile of your favorite producers you will fine out that they do not only produce but write songs, honestly you are going to have an edge against some producers if you write songs and artist are sure they wont come out empty when the come to your studio.

5) improve on your skills

The biggest mistake you will ever make is believing that you have known everything there is to know about in music production,why do you think the software are updated? believe me time will prove you to be death wrong. so improve no harm in it

6) promte your self

In places like Canada and USA producers make beat tape and albums just to promote and keep themselves relevant av downloaded beat tape project from aarab music and a few producers so do your self a favor and work work work.
I will update this article soon or if you have points to add email me at


Conquest of truth has an ancient beginning,
Slowly consumed by the changing times
With the passing times, the truth loses its vigor,
Slowly disfigured by titanium lies
The lies lay scattered on the dust of an embroidered ego,
Camouflaging the facts that were always there
When we find humanity arguing with the truth,
We have to agree to the rape of a soul.

Trying to live through building a bridge,
A hug and a smile lead the soulful songs
Between the truth and the lies, there lies a disguise
Slowly emerging with its well of reverence
Disjointed beliefs, married with ease,
Gently conceives an ignorant bliss.
Ignorance persist through arrogant zeal,
Each day reliving the rape of a soul.

Faking beliefs, never finding a way,
Bearing a faith that is as strong as dust.
Questions arise to question this hope,
Finding its answers in a confused race,
A race of untruths brings the glare on a face,
Finding peddlers of lies with an innocent gaze,
Only if the truth would be the truth,
Maybe we would be free from the rape of a soul.

Some say belief is a garment of faith,
A garment that everybody wears today;
None is naked, not all are in the same garment,
Some are covered in their own.
Overzealous remorse sweeps an arrogant space,
Imposing its garment on an unfamiliar face.
Loosing passage to this dome of slavery;
Conceding the truth to the pride of riches,
Slowly immersed to the rape of a soul.

Finding relief in a comfort of truth,
Learning to trust its gentle ways.
Slowly convinced by the power of friendship,
The truth finds a soldier of truth,
Still in the world are craftsmen of lies,
Who decorate the truth with their nefarious venom!
Men playing God by the power of their lips,
Slaying men by daring God;
Men are not afraid to intrude on God’s law,
Willing it to suit their taste.
The worthy man finds himself torn apart,
Feeling oppressed by the craftsmen of lies,
When you follow anything except the truth;

That is when you rape the soul.
poem written by Elijah peter


As you know this blog is not only about music but also poetry and below you will fine very beautiful poem written by Elijah peter 


New places found new desires,
New faces brought new fires.
Few faces raised desire,
Till I stared at her face and felt the fire.

Her eyes, the color of thunder,
Admiration, my heart; I surrender.
No feeling could put asunder,
The feeling in my heart for what is yonder.

We stand in the midst of new ways,
My mind was locked in her gaze.
Where every of her smile, her beauty betrays,
In more sense of her beauty, I stand to praise.

Too young to face the feeling,
Grounded in doubt my heart concealing.
I’ve hidden in my mind for so long I know the ceiling,
I wonder if this is worth revealing.

Stepped into a void and held beauty’s hand.
Stared gently into wonderland.
Till I was tugged back by the teachers hand,
For reasons I will never understand.

I stared long after class,
Till I fell into a mass.
Where my feelings fought with my sense,
And my madness did commence.

I look at her body and I fall into her spirit,
She was fire and ice in form.
Shaped to the memory of my perfection,
Built to suit my dreams.

Do I dare my dream and make this feeling known?
Or should I sleep and never spill this beautiful secret?
Hers was the eyes that stole my reasons,
How can my words gain her heart?

So I stare at love’s illusion,
And make poetry to feed my heart,
And I wrote these words to be my memory,
Of the crush I had in class.

Fair as the moon as it shines in nights lost hope.
Clear as her eyes were in that morning sun,
Where beauty rested on her face.

And my heart never came home.

below is the pdf to the project download read and make comment please.