Wednesday, September 2, 2015

honestly read this am sure you will fine meaning to it. because i think this is a remarkable write up by Elijah abuni peter.
 The peaceful visions elude the cold temperament,
As waves of thoughts dived across the peaceful image.
Standing at the pinnacle of beauty’s vision,
Evolving my moments of yonder thoughts,
                                             Sweeping across my heart, fairer and fonder;
Softly in my yearning, I let my fantasies talk.

Not quite a scene that imagery could project.
I mean the serene beauty that greets her morning smile,
On a scale of happiness, I rise to taste her pedestal;
Her eyes were glowing in a river of affection,
It flows swiftly into the tributes of her soft heart.

There she stands like a wave of gentle reason
Moving her lips to the tune of humility.
She lights up her gentle world,
And she lets go of her fading past,
She grasps her new lease of life.

Like a light that shines its brightest patch,
Her gaze restores my sense of reason.
I gaze past my fears and into her heart.
I move from my thoughts to see reality.
If I could close my eyes and forget,
Maybe I would forget you,

But everyday my hardship goes on.

as wrtten by elijah peter (c)2015

Sunday, August 30, 2015