Tuesday, March 1, 2016



Futile reactions, palpable temper,
Man sneered in buffoonery, logic despair.
Redundant wisdom, regrettable action.
Waving agile hands, a fool’s reaction.

Loud insomnia, masculine nightmare.
Shrieking feminine, lethargic and bare.
Screaming chaos, grappled with anger
First kiss of the soft petals, ravenous banger.

Thrust to the streets, a viewers charade,
Shameless futility duly on parade.
Masculine ego, seeking dominance.
Fist and fury, dulling revered parlance.

Anger seething to a perilous doom,
Fist like mortar, a terrible doom.
Feminine reality to be pounded like a dream,
Yet the voice keeps sounding louder than a rushing stream.

A brother steps into this perilous parade,
Of ravenous fist and so little wisdom to serenade.
With few words counting clear reason,
He sends sister home for clear season.

Brother and boy staring to the gruesome distance,
An angry man’s fist clenched for unruly chance,
But brother seeks reason, gently straddling away,
Knowing true reason may see another day.

But cowards are cut from the deepest deep,
Lawless reaction, fuming to a steep,
Boy throws reason and flies through a knife,
All in vain anger, a charade of strife.

Brother slaloms down to a silent despair,
A beautiful drowning sleep of no repair,
And true reason he saw but did not see,
His frail corpse looking innocently at a distant sea.

Boy sees the chaos of his uncased temper,
Guilt and innocence became a dulled paper,
Eyes sealed, elevated from sight,
Gently open to this unruly plight.

The crowd, they sang the dirge of moonlights defense,
In swift motion, a jungle pretence,
Projectiles elevating judgments fare,
Struck boy till the foolishness was bare.

And when boy was a motionless tilt,
Motion grounded like silt,
Fortune begs reason looking for doubt,
When wild aimless tempers always blow out.

The trader tilts his head in gallant reform,
Staring through the distance to a lifeless form,
The boy no longer breathes in the distant air,
Two corpses to pay the truth, is that even fair?

But the crowd’s justice was not satisfied,
Perpetrators corpse dying was not mortified,
Till fuel vendor trickles his ware on mans image,
And trader lights the fire to complete carnage.

Soon crowds disperse to revel in justice,
Perilous law when no one sees injustice,
Jungle justice, mathematically wild,
To sweep calming law with no respect and see it as mild.

But no one was as guilty as me,
As I silently watched and let them be,
Each morning guilt saps the beaming light,

As I recall the face of the man that died by my sight.

full project on the way.. poem by elijah peter