Tuesday, March 1, 2016


As you know this blog is not only about music but also poetry and music.so below you will fine very beautiful poem written by Elijah peter 


New places found new desires,
New faces brought new fires.
Few faces raised desire,
Till I stared at her face and felt the fire.

Her eyes, the color of thunder,
Admiration, my heart; I surrender.
No feeling could put asunder,
The feeling in my heart for what is yonder.

We stand in the midst of new ways,
My mind was locked in her gaze.
Where every of her smile, her beauty betrays,
In more sense of her beauty, I stand to praise.

Too young to face the feeling,
Grounded in doubt my heart concealing.
I’ve hidden in my mind for so long I know the ceiling,
I wonder if this is worth revealing.

Stepped into a void and held beauty’s hand.
Stared gently into wonderland.
Till I was tugged back by the teachers hand,
For reasons I will never understand.

I stared long after class,
Till I fell into a mass.
Where my feelings fought with my sense,
And my madness did commence.

I look at her body and I fall into her spirit,
She was fire and ice in form.
Shaped to the memory of my perfection,
Built to suit my dreams.

Do I dare my dream and make this feeling known?
Or should I sleep and never spill this beautiful secret?
Hers was the eyes that stole my reasons,
How can my words gain her heart?

So I stare at love’s illusion,
And make poetry to feed my heart,
And I wrote these words to be my memory,
Of the crush I had in class.

Fair as the moon as it shines in nights lost hope.
Clear as her eyes were in that morning sun,
Where beauty rested on her face.

And my heart never came home.

below is the pdf to the project download read and make comment please.