Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I WROTE A LETTER TO MARS by Elijah peter( full book soon to hit amazon and other platforms}


I wrote a letter to Mars,
While staring vainly at the stars.
Sometimes hope is the greatest dream,
When life seems a dying stream.

I told mars I would jump for a star,
Reaching beyond my doubts and my scar.
In vain substance when my doubts arise,
Uncertain hope is my pleasure and my prize.

When doom falls on my living truth,
Trapped in despair, forced to regret my youth.
I would walk till I kiss the unfriendly sun,
For if I gave up, it would not be fun.

I cannot be a friend of my time,
Living my life like a rehearsed mime.
For great men have flown an extra mile,
Hence would be mine, that which I find with a smile.

No slug would kiss the pride of my hope,
And dent my vision with a sarcastic probe.
I would walk with my wings and fly with my mind,
In the starry skies, an unloving world left behind.

I am blessed by reality, one of a kind,
Two times smarter, saved from being blind.
The world needs me and my words I refine,
To find my peace just as I would define.

The skies lit up when my letter reached Mars,
The world smiled with the light of the stars.
Telling me I could be all that I dared to be,
The only door to my greatness was me.