Tuesday, March 1, 2016

my view on things producers should know and do.

Are you a music producer/song writer ? Well i geus you should read this
Most times the say your first impression counts. but then how do you as a new kid on the blog sale both your art and your brand?  the way i see it can be seen categorized below


I believe you most have done your home work, and you've produced a basket full of monster instrumental. but how informed are you about trend of music and sounds globally, what type of instrumental are artist suddenly crazy about? What is the crowd dancing or singing to? You dont want to be doing hardcore hip hop beat while everyone is doing a cool trap twerk beats, it wont just cut it for you.. so research the market and get with the flow...but add your flavor to it so that you sound unique(you dont want to be making beat that sound exactly like the other dude across the street..so know what is trending and build from there.

2)give out beat

Give out your beat to hardworking artist, it most not be a famous artist just give it to the person who understands the concept of self promotion...and remember the sweeter the better as i said before "first impression counts" besides what would you do with a  gazilion beats in your beat basket? Makes less sense plus giving the beat will motivate you to make more beats.


Whats the essence of being a beat maker? Is it not to make money? Well then being smart about it will help..
Lets say 2baba walk up to you and say i need a beat from you and you are left with two options to collect your money and make the beat or do the work and wait for royalties..broz if nah for niaja collect you money jeje den waka your tin.but when its in other countries were the industry is established i think its better you play it smart make deal that will bring in  royalties..when you produce an established artist and the pay you they will have to get back the money the used in paying you for the production before royalties will set in, so look ahead and decide..but thats by the way this will only work in an organised industries

4)be resourceful

Be the kind if producer that artist feel comfortable working with i.e you help them were it becomes necessary.
Check the profile of your favorite producers you will fine out that they do not only produce but write songs, honestly you are going to have an edge against some producers if you write songs and artist are sure they wont come out empty when the come to your studio.

5) improve on your skills

The biggest mistake you will ever make is believing that you have known everything there is to know about in music production,why do you think the software are updated? believe me time will prove you to be death wrong. so improve no harm in it

6) promte your self

In places like Canada and USA producers make beat tape and albums just to promote and keep themselves relevant av downloaded beat tape project from aarab music and a few producers so do your self a favor and work work work.
I will update this article soon or if you have points to add email me at copratboizone@gmail.com