Tuesday, March 1, 2016



His eyes! They stared at me,
With years of doubt and regret.
He blamed me for all his failure,
And I stayed in a daze.
Purified by the silence in my guilt.

His scars were a mime of emotion,
Each drawing the reality of the crime.
I wanted the silhouette of his tears,
Cast upon my emaciated shadow,
We cried together in our dreams.

I hear his hollow twisted steps,
The twirls and creaks of a fearful doubt.
He breathes in vibrating echoes,
The furious woes of my talking silence,
Nostalgia’s words, ducked in a moving truth.

He is trapped in vain reality, counting a lie
Blaming my guilt for his nefarious glare,
His words shoot the saints of time,
Polygraph marks could not spell the truth.
Ruptured by reality, deceived by death.

He stalks my every forlorn stare,
By mirrors he uneasily lurks,
Eyes squinting with infallible regret,
Of worlds and unwritten diaries of hurt.
He buys the eyes of my shadow.

He says that angels have no fear,
Unreligious here, he squeals that God is not fair.
Diligent, he morphs to a graceful serpent.
Sipping the sly venom of my doubt,
By fateful rivers, he questions time.

By conquering faiths loving stare,
He doused my will with sanity’s saddle.
Bored and confused, questions exceeding words.
I grapple the insomnia of my days,
Never scared of my thoughts.

I hear the window cringe under the weight of a delirious dream.
Scared of reality, searching for youth.
As eyes gaze upon reflection, He unwillingly smiles,
Eyes shallow with Doom,
Imprisoned in night.

By deepest deep I stared so deep,
Unwilling to sing the ballad of life.
Harmony immersed in rueful regret.
Pain in my darkened heart of doom and despair,
Gracefully aching beyond eternal silence.

I count the words in my room,
The sweet rope hanging like Beethoven’s note.
Slowly gliding to its flirtatious doom,
Sinking my hastening breath to kiss the air.
In some woeful minutes, the dark hallelujah.

Locked in reality, persevered from aching death,
The dearth of life finds me unwilling to smile again
The mirror shows his face,
His murderous unwilling glance
Ghost of everything I fear.

Saved by the limitation of time’s illusive grasp,
 His voice wheels in my most blunt unease.
His face riddled in the mirror of life,
He has become a corpse of all I lost in yesterday night,
He is the man I killed at dawn!
But as I humbly watched the static reflection I realized,

The face I had always seen was me.
download the pdf of the poems here download