Saturday, March 12, 2016

celeb news: bow and keyshia Cole relation said to have hit the rock( wait were they even dating ?

to me this is a major surprise , has any one of you hard that bow wow is dating kisha cole or rather was dating keyshia Cole there has been rumors about that and bow wow has since denied any of this. but then just along the line came the shell breaker. bow wow's friend  wackstar  tweeted his dismay about on how his car was egged by a lady. he wrote

                @keyshiacole check this out blood i  don't got 
nothing to do with whatever you got going
                on 4 you to egg my car, keep me out he bullshit
 at first I thought who ever did that most be really made at bow wow because I dint want to believe none of those rumors, and the walla bow wow tweeted too
                so on of my exes decides to drive by on some thin
 line between love and hate **** throw 
             a cake  on the rolls. only thing is that's not my car

so now the media is speculating and everyone is denying his part of the story  and also it has ben rumored  that keyshia cole is pregnant for bow wow  lol...don't worry the actual truth will fine its way out very soon.
 and if you are wandering were boy wow is here youtube links to his recent songs